Faribault -- Apr 12 - 1909

Dear Lucy,

We got your letter in time for Easter. The Cards are lovely and we all thank you very much for your kind remembrance of us. It is pleasent to be remembered.

We are in usual health excepting father who has been afficted with severe colds and coughs a good part of the winter. He has had a cough now for a month. He begins to look prety slim just able to be about. I believe Catarrah is at the botom of it. We was glad to have C. come back. We could'ent get along without him now. It is some cold yet. Yestoday it was 65 __ with a stiff south wind. Last night it changed into the north, about three inches of snow fell. It is most gone now.

Mary and boys went back the week Clarence came. John rented _________ the place of the man he sold to, for the summer, so he could have more time to get rid of his personal property. May and baby are getting along finely. It is a big fat boy. The other two childrens name are Dale & Evelyn. They are lively stiring children, full of mischief.

I must close with much love to you and all the rest.

L E Miller

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