Faribault -- July 4 - 1909
Dear Lucy,
I will write you a few lines to go with these enclosed letters. I have such a lame right arm from rheumatism that it is hard for me to use it. I make out to do the work but it is very poorly done. Clarence does the washing all the hardest of it. I help what I can. It seems like a long time since we have heard from you. I remember I asked you to give us one of your good long letters but I havent seen anything of it yet. Hope I will soon. Our folks are very busy killing weeds and have commenced haying now. We had 6 days of very hot weather last week, comencing a week ago last sunday. It was 90.0 and over 95 one day. How things did grow sweet corn is waist high. Everything looks lovely beautifully green. There is a prospect of good crops and plenty of fruit. We have lots of currants, goosberries, some berries, and will have plenty apples. I must close and go to ironing. Write as soon as you can. I expect you have to be very busy. Excuse all mistakes.
From you Mother -- Yours with love
Love and best wishes to all. Excuse my crooked writing. I guess you will laugh when you read the adress. I had James written before I thought what I was doing. I make mistakes now. The folk are all in usual health. The baby is a fine little fellow as good as can be. How are the children there?