Faribault -- Jan 24 - 1909
Dear Lucy,
We are having a mild winter so far with the exception of a few days. The snow came about christmas which made good sleighing for a short time but nearly melted in a few days. Then there was another fall of 10 or 12 inches and that is nearly gone now. It is just like the spring of the year. Last week we had only on sunshiny day, cloudy and foggy most of the time, the wind south.
Fidelia is at Helens having a pleasent visit. Her oldest is a boy of 19, the youngest eleven. She expects to go to Webster in Apr. to close up a sale of her home there. She talks as if she would go to the coast country some where and buy a small place that had fruit on it so as to have a small income and something to do. She really is quite a worker. Is rather fleshy now plump as a partorade, very active of course. She has never had anything to brake her down.
Have you heard from Clarence lately? He wrote us that they had a fall of 18 inches of snow there and at Hood river, Ore., 2 feet of snow. O F Brand & wife are staying in Portland this winter. They wrote us that there was 6 or 8 inches there, unsual I guess for that country. The winter have changed very much from what they used to be. Mary and family are here now. The boys go to school at the same school the girls do. Have a mile and a half to go. Have to be carried sometimes. The boys make it pretty lively some of the time.
We are in usual health. Mary is going to write so will cut mine short. You will have your hands full looking after the babies. May has 2 very close together. It needs some one to look after them all the time. Dale is 2 past, Evelyn 14 month old. Mary will write the rest.
Love to all,
Dear L.
The handkerchiefs I sent was for you & Blanche. How are is Louis and family? Dont it make you feel old to think that you re Grandmother. I havent heard from Aunt F since she wrote about visiting us. I did get a card and bood Christmas. I presume she is there, yet it seems so strange that she sont write. I answered her letter right away. Is Clarence work in a building? I miss him here so much. Hope we will get a letter from him soon. Mrs Clewett must have lived to a good old age. I have often wondered if she was living yet.
Hudson Wilson's wife was buried last week age 79. So it is we all passing on. We know not whose turn will be next.
We was glad to get your last letter. Write as often as you can. Orville health is better. Thanks for your good advice.
Yours with love,