Ruskin -- July 29 - 1910
Dear Lucy,
Your letter of the 21st just received yesterday. We were glad to hear from you. It seemed like a long time since you had written. Its good to think you are so pleasently situated and that your neighbours are so agreable. I have always been sorry that father wouldent settle in Cal.
It is better here on some accounts. We have nice refreshing showers almost every day. No dust to trouble you. Some things I liked better in Cal. There are plenty of misquitos and littlle flies but no worse than in Minn. No flees unles you keep hogs. Some rattle snakes and black snakes. I dont think they are very plenty at least in this part. Cattle and hogs ____ here so will have to fence against them also rabbits. Clarence is hurrying up the grubbing of the palmetto roots so as to be ready to put in things in Sept. They dont raise many things in the summer on account of the rains and heat. The hottest has been 98 ___, and in the ninties a good part of the time. The rains last through August.
We are still stopping in the tent. We have a double roof so we manage to keep dry. Father keeps busy finishing the house, of course it goes slow. I will be glad when we do get into it. Perhaps I have told you the size of it before, 14 x 24, 2 rooms below, 2 chambers and a back and front porch, 10 ft wide and 24 ft long. One end of the back porch will be made into a store room. And father says he shall screen in one end of the front porch. It will be nice to sit out there and enjoy the cool coast breezes.
It has been a task for us to start a new place in our old age. Of course we couldent have done it if Clarence had not been with us.
I think we will like it here when we get all settled and things in running order. Our lots are very pleasently situated. We like the people very much. They are kind and good neighbours. I have to stay very close to home unless they come after me as they have done several times. I cant walk any distance yet but can get around better than I could. I think the continous hot weather is faforable to rheumatism. Perhaps the sulphur water is good too.
I wish you could visit us here sometimes. Harry & Alice are going to visit Hattie Bost next month. They will drive there (Corpus Christie). He has a smart team and a cover to his waggon. Its some over 100 mi. I do hate to have Mary and family go to Canada. I wrote to them to wait awile and they could perhaps make it win out. I think the soil perhaps is not very good. Orvilles children the last we heard were all down with the measles excepting Gertie. She had them several years ago. They have had a severe drougth there this summer. Rain came the ____ part of July and saved the crops. Excuse my poor writing and mistakes.
Love to you and all the family,
No fruit raised here yet, but plenty outside. All kinds of fruit in Tampa, 15 mi across the water. Clarence gets bannes from boats at the dock very cheap, 50 cts a bunch, sometimes less. Butter is 40 cts lb, eggs 30 cts doz