Delhi, Texas -- Apr. 4 - 1910
Dear neice Blanche,
I will try and write you a short letter. We received your nice Easter cards for which accept our thanks. Your photo is especially nice. You must be quite a help to your mother now. We are having fine summer weather. Everything is growing nicely. Plums are nearly half grown and plenty of them. There will be any amount of wild dewberries. They too are most half there size. They begin to ripen in May.
We expect to start for our Florida home next week. We will have then made a visit here of 3 months. I dread the trip. We will take a sleeper through if we can so as not to make changes. Its so hard for me to get on and off the trains. My Rheumatism has'ent been improved much. I cant walk around now without a cane.
I am glad you mothers health is better. How is Chester? Is he improving? I dont think they have the Catarh _____ as bad here as in Minn. It was troubling me bad there but is much better here. My general health is as good as could be expected at any age, but I am weak from the workings of rheumatism.
The Turner family are all real well and busy with their work. Aunt Alice has about 35 hens. They lay real well. She has 26 young chicks.
I will close now hoping to hear from you some time again. Aunt Alice says she will write to your mother next time. Much love to you and all the rest of the family.
Your Grandma,