Faribault -- July 28, 1907

Dear Lucy,

I'll try and write you a short letter if it is hot. We have been having very hot weather most of the time through July but not inot the hundreds. Alice wrote that the mercury stood at 115 & 120 two days there, but the rest of the weather had been quite bearable. The highest here has been 90 & 95. If it had not been warm there would'ent have been much of a corn crop. Wheat and oats are in head but wont be harvested until the forepart of August. Our hay crop is all nicely in the barn without much rain on it. Currants are nice and ripe now. How good they taste. Do you ever have any? We will have quite a lot of apples this year, not many plums. Our garden is very good but not like what it was last year.

We have all kept in good health so far. May is on the bed now occasioned by the birth of a girl baby the 23. She is getting along well. Has a nurse and hired girl for a short time. She has been very smart, done her big washing the day before.

Did Clarence get my last letter? Have you heard anything from Aunt F.? I just got a letter form Celia. You will notice that she wrote she would send some letters to me. She did not. We got C. letter. Will write to him next time.

Love to all,


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