Faribault -- Mar. 3-1905
Dear Lucy,
We received your nice long letter of some time ago and Alice go hers of more recent date whilst she was staying here week before last. We have all been having the Grip. I was on the bed a week. I had some fever, a terrible backache, my mouth was so sore that I coulde'nt eat anything but raw eggs beaten up with a little cream and sugar in them. It left me with a bad cough. I am now getting better slowly. I manage to do the work with some help from Clarence.
Our winter was quite cold through part of Jan & Feb. We have had nice warm weather for two weeks and the snow is all most gone. Today I have had the east door open most of the time. The mercury stood at 64.0 at noon. It is 60. now at 1/2 past 5, the door still open, south wind, beautiful sunshiny weather.
Perhaps we will get more cold weather to pay for this, but I hope not. I would indeed like to live in Cal. in the winter. I guess Minn. summers cant be beat, tho. I didn't enjoy the heat of the Selma country very much. I expect it would be more agreeable on the coast. I think I could stand it (the summers) very well if I could have plenty of water for all purposes. I was sorry to learn that your health was so poor. It may be your age. You must be careful. Perhaps you are troubled with the falling of the womb. It came upon me about two years ago. I had to give up making the butter and rest from hard work. I think I have got pretty well of it now. But the rheumatism troubles me yet. I would like to visit you in your new house. It must be nice and no doubt you will have things to your mind in a few years. I hope you will have health to enjoy them. I dont have many house plants now or many flowers out of doors either. I cant take care of them now.
We will have nine cows this summer. May makes the butter. She has got so she makes nice butter. They get 25 cts a lb for it. I guess I have told you that we have a seperator so there is no bothering with setting the milk and uniformely good butter. Our chickens have done well this winter. We have sold over 50 doz., average 25 ct doz. Did you send the papers haveing an account of the Revival in them? I would like to read about it. I was glad to hear of Lewis activity in the work. I must bring this to a close with much love to you and all the rest of the family.
I will enclose Marys last letter in this.