Faribault -- Mar-8-1901

Dear Lucy,

I write you a few liness this morning. It is quite spring like now, snow all gone. It looks now as if we might have an early spring. All are buisy getting ready for springs work. I suppose yours is all done. Mary & children have been with us for a few weeks. John expects to start for Dakota next week. He goes with a car of stock and household goods _____ Mary wont go until about the _____. I am afraid it will be lonesome for her there, one neighbour within half mile. The nearest town of any size 28 miles. They are going on to a homestead. I hope they will get along. I am glad to think that you and family are so comfortably fixed in warm Cal. I dont suppose you would hardly care to give anything even a look this side of the Rockies. I believe I could enjoy myself on as good a five acres as you are on with plenty of water to keep it fresh and green. But it is to late now. I dont believe I could stand another move. Alice wants to make Blanche a dress and she wishes you to fit a waist lining, sleeve pattern that fits and the length of the skirt.

Our relation are all well so far as I know. Helen visited her folks at Honolulu the past winter. Her mother remains the same as she was. Celia sent me a letter that Helen wrote. She says her mothers attitude towards her had changed very much since the first few weeks. Now she scolded her dreadfully and once told her whe wished she would go home, is'ent willing she should help her at all. Helen says I presume you had the same experience. She did.

Let us hear from you soon.

With love to all,


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