Faribault -- June 11-1900
Dear Lucy,
I did'ent once think it would be so long before we answered yours and Howard long letters. You was very prompt in replying. I will give you a long credit mark. I like to get your lettrs. They are so full of interest and we can allmost see just how you are situated. I rejoice with you to know that your surrondings are so much to your minds and you must enjoy life better. I tried to get Father to write to Howard yesterday, but he could'ent gather his energies together to do so. He is far from what he was before his sickness. He has'ent written a letter since last fall and dos'nt read scarcely any. It seems to affect his nerves and is'ent able to do anything but light work.
Horace & Celia spent a month with us this spring. They started for Honolulu the lst of June, going by the way of Kansas City, Albuquerque, Mohavae to San Francisco and from there across the ocean.
Horace's father sent money to pay there way. He wants them to live with them. Aunt Celia was taken quite sick. The doctor thought she might not live long, but the last they heard, she was some better. Uncle Warren is 70 yrs old, but quite smart, able to work at his buisness yet. I think it will be a big undertaking for Celia to be housekeeper there. Aunt Mattie Chamberlain lives in a cottage in their yard and eats at their table. They have a nice home about 2 miles out from the big port of Honolulu. The grounds are _____ set out to all kinds of tropical fruits.
Mary came and spent a week with us while John went to Tood Co to sell his farm there. He sold for $200 more than he gave. He is still working in the mill.
Our strawberries are just begining to get ripe. I will pick some for market tomorow. They are very nice notwithstanding there had'ent been any for over 2 months, untill last week. Crops are looking very well, where well cultivated. Of course, grass will be short. Fruit will be plenty this season. Your garden and flowers, I suppose, are in there prime now. Ours have suffered from the drouth some, still we watered them all we could.
Arthur and _______ still live in F. , Yet. Aunt Mary spent the winter with Thad in St. Paul. She is going to live in Farmington this summer. Father, I expect, ____ take a ride out to _______, Farmington and back by Northfield. It is a long time since we visited in those parts. Since Mr. Brand was in Cal., he has become quite a Spiritalist. He visited a Medium in San Diego and one in Sam Francisco. They conversed with his wife's spirit and told him things he did'ent know himself in regard to his relatives. Archie lives with his father Has gone into partnership with him. They have no children. Norton went out to Washington to hunt a place to practice law in. I must close.
With love to you & all the family,
Please excuse my numberless mistakes. Alice will write the rest.