Friendship Jan. 2nd '77
Dear Children,
It seemes a good while since I have heard from you, altho it is not so very long as it seemes, but I want to hear from you often as reasonable. You will see that I have come back to Friendship to spend the winter. I am going up to Clarksville to Carl's to stay a few weeks soon. My health is quite comefortable most of the time, but my strength fails very much, and my eyesight is very poor. I cannot see to read any but course print, but I am glad that I can make out to write so as to be understood.
Seymour went to the Centeniel. A spell after, he was taken sick, which proved to be measles. He began to get about when I come away. And since, he wrote that the children all had them and had all got better but Annie. She had lain abed seven days and had eat next to nothing since. Well, Charles got well of his sickness and was teaching school in his own district. He is commishioner of common schools. Lucretia's George is marryed and gone to housekeeping. He and Mr Brundage have both got new partners.
Jan. 4th
Well, I will try to finish my letter to day. Yesterday they had lots of company here. To day I don't feel very well. Hattie's health has been quite poor. She is troubled with Eresipelas. My best love and regards to all.
Your Mother,
Henry wanted me to put your note in my letter and say to you if you could not send him any thing on it. He wanted you to send him a new note. He allso sends his best regards.